1. Some scholars have argued that some of ibn Khalduns ideas might have influenced the social theories of Marx and Durkheim via early translations of parts of the Muqaddima into French. Discuss in what ways ibn Khalduns ideas may have been an influence on:
either: a) Marx theory of class struggle
or: b) Durkeims theory of social solidarity.2. Both Durkheims and Webers theories may in part be understood as a response to Marx. Discuss in what ways either a) Durkheim or b) Weber wrote “against” Marx.3. While Weber regarded the rationalisation of social life as the distinctive characteristic of modernity, Freud put the irrationality of the modern human at the centre of his analysis of modern civilisation. Do you see a contradiction between the two theories?


Read the following article and answer the questions about the article below. Brunye, T.T., Ditman, T., Mahoney, C.R., Augustyn, J.S., & Taylor, H.A. (2009). When you and I share perspectives. Pronouns modulate perspective taking during narrative comprehension. Psychological Science, 20, 27-32. You can access the article from the library by clicking on the following link. You may be required to provide your library ID number and password or NID username and password. http://ezproxy.net.ucf.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=psyh&AN=2009-00315-006&site=ehost-live You should read both the article above and chapter 11: Language before answering the following questions.
2. In experiment 2, participants were presented with sentences (and short texts) which included the pronouns ‘he’, ‘I’ or ‘you’. Next, they were shown a picture and they had to report as fast as possible (i.e., yes or no) whether the depicted event in the picture had been described previously in the sentence (and text). The pictures depicted events from an actor’s perspective or from an observer’s perspective (i.e., external perspective). a) On manipulating the pronouns and pictures what were the questions researchers aimed to address b) What were their hypotheses or expectations?

Read the following article and answer the questions about the article below. Brunye, T.T., Ditman, T., Mahoney, C.R., Augustyn, J.S., & Taylor, H.A. (2009). When you and I share perspectives. Pronouns modulate perspective taking during narrative comprehension. Psychological Science, 20, 27-32. You can access the article from the library by clicking on the following link. You may be required to provide your library ID number and password or NID username and password. http://ezproxy.net.ucf.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=psyh&AN=2009-00315-006&site=ehost-live You should read both the article above and chapter 11: Language before answering the following questions.
2. In experiment 2, participants were presented with sentences (and short texts) which included the pronouns ‘he’, ‘I’ or ‘you’. Next, they were shown a picture and they had to report as fast as possible (i.e., yes or no) whether the depicted event in the picture had been described previously in the sentence (and text). The pictures depicted events from an actor’s perspective or from an observer’s perspective (i.e., external perspective). a) On manipulating the pronouns and pictures what were the questions researchers aimed to address b) What were their hypotheses or expectations?